Newsletter #4

Check out the April 2022 Pocket Change Project Newsletter

Green shoots coming up, green events on their way

Pocket neighbours, the bulbs are coming up, poking their way through the soil and reaching for the sky. In the same way, we're all starting to emerge from two years of relative isolation.

The Pocket Change Project has been active during the pandemic, gathering carbon-reducing resources and sharing them among neighbours and on our website. But now we've got some real, live in-person events on the calendar.

Masks on, definitely, and watching the rising numbers, for sure, these events are a tentative go. We're hoping those who feel comfortable will join us for our first in-person meeting at Kapapamahchakwew – Wandering Spirit School to discuss giving the Indigenous students and staff their land back by moving the public pathway off their running track and re-aligning it with the alleyway between Condor and Chatham.

Dubbed the Laneway Project, we're hoping to get funding from the city to include beautifying the lane with a mural along the garages and fences painted by one or more Indigenous artists.

We will also be gathering to beautify our green spaces with a Phin Park / dog park / Oakvale Green clean up to pick up trash and rake leaves and generally get our community green spaces ready for spring.

And we're thrilled to announce that after a two year hiatus, the Eco Fun Fair is back in June, with tons of ecological information and activities for the whole family.

And yes, because some online habits are here to stay, we'll also be hosting the third edition of our popular home retrofit webinar series, this time on air sealing and insulation.

Check out our Events page for more info and to RSVP.

Read on for more highlights from March.

Billions of dollars for home retrofits and electric vehicles

The federal government has finally released a detailed roadmap to meeting our carbon reduction commitments - and committed serious resources to getting there.

The Pocket Change Project was pleased to see billions of dollars earmarked in the budget for our core issues: home retrofits and electric vehicles.

There's a lot to unpack, and we look forward to additional details, but we're hopeful these announcements will kick start a home retrofit industry that will underpin a rapid transition to net zero housing.

Electric cars up to $30,000 cheaper than gas over lifetime of vehicle

The Vancouver Sun has a great article showing most Canadians won't buy another gas-powered car after learning that an electric car will save them tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the vehicle.

READ MORE: The Pocket Change Project is working on bringing public charging stations for electric vehicles to the neighbourhood.

New Pocket Retrofit Testimonial

One of the most popular features on the Pocket Change Project's website is the Retrofit Testimonials page, where you can hear about neighbours who have undergone retrofits to reduce their carbon emissions and increase the comfort of their homes.

In their own words, these homeowners tell you how much they spent, how long it took, why they opted for certain materials or equipment, what they love and what they regret.

Read our latest retrofit testimonial from Jeb.

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways

When Pocket Change Project member Paul Woodman was renovating his bedroom, he found old newspapers from 1935 under the floorboards with this environmentally-friendly retrofit message:

It just goes to show that some wisdom never gets old.

Volunteering and opportunities to get involved

The Pocket Change Project is exploring opportunities to connect neighbours to share resources and make it easier to live a low carbon lifestyle. Here are some of our initiatives. Please get in touch if you're interested in learning more.

  • Garden sharing: connecting those who want to garden but don't have a yard with those who have gardens but have no interest in tending them.
  • EV car share / charger share: connecting neighbours with EV charging stations on their property with those who cannot install their own, but need to charge their vehicle.

We're also looking for folks who can help out with organizing our upcoming events and helping keep the website up to date.

Email [email protected] if you're interested.

Can't wait to see you at one or more of our events in person!


Liisa and Marco

Pocket Change Project

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