Home Retrofits

About Home Retrofits

There are so many benefits to home retrofits - which are simply home improvements that also reduce your home's greenhouse gas emissions. Home retrofits are a fantastic, high-impact way for you and your family to upgrade or renovate your home and take climate action at the same time.

Whether you are able to make many changes or just one, and whether you do them quickly or over a number of years, your efforts will have a big impact. The key is to get going, get support, get a good plan in place, and work your plan.

And you don't have to do it alone – we have your back! Whether you are preparing to replace a furnace, air conditioner or gas appliance; are planning a renovation; or you would like to make your house 100% electric, the Pocket Change Project can help. Interested?

Join our Changemakers Program!

Changemakers are Pocket homeowners who are undertaking green home improvements with our free retrofit support service, the Changemakers program. Together, our Changemakers are helping to transform the Pocket into a cleaner, greener community for everyone. Our Changemakers program has been quite successful and has attracted much attention to date.

--->>>> LEARN MORE about the Changemakers Program here and join here <<<<----

Home retrofits don't have to be prohibitively expensive or complex. As we learn more about this emerging field, we are learning that it is not always necessary to do "deep" (extensive) retrofits as it was once thought. Plus, the prices of retrofit technologies and materials are coming down significantly every year. A heat pump, for example, can be installed for as little as $8,000 (and it will do both heating and cooling for you). And many programs offering free upgrades are available to low and moderate income homeowners.

Get More Support

There are lots of ways you can get helpful information and support from us with your home retrofit projects, including our:

You can also look at the other information we have in this section of our website about Funding and Financing, Air Source Heat Pumps, and Rooftop Solar. Other helpful resources:

