Lots of action on the Net-Zero front in The Pocket
Welcome back neighbours. This is the second monthly newsletter for the Pocket Change Project, bringing you news and information about reducing your carbon footprint.
There have been several developments both at City Hall and right here in the Pocket that will make it even easier for folks to make environmentally-friendly decisions like buying an electric vehicle (EV) or switching off the natural gas (which is really just methane) at home.
Read on for some highlights from January.

Pocket Residents responded en masse to a call-out from the Pocket Change Project and successfully pressured Toronto City staff to reverse their position and commit to expanding the number of public EV charging stations in the city.
We've still got a long way to go to 10,000 on-street chargers, but this shows we can make a difference.
More news on the EV front:
EV Chargers at every ONroute rest stop by the end of the year
Millions of dollars for hundreds of EV chargers in the GTHA

On Jan 27, the Pocket Change Project hosted a webinar on home renovations to reduce or eliminate your carbon footprint. The keynote speaker for the evening was Stewart Dutfield, a manager of public renewable energy initiatives at the City of Toronto, who reviewed all the grants and loans available for homeowners looking to lower their carbon footprint. We also had expert contractors and energy advisors who discussed Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) and rooftop solar panels.
Don't fret if you missed it, we've got a video posted on our site.
Interested in learning more about ASHPs and Net-Zero home retrofits?
Carbon Switch founder Michael Thomas debunks the myth that ASHPs don't work in sub-zero temperatures
Missing the point on Energy efficiency: The Pocket's Retrofit Coach responds to Katie McGinty's TED Talk on decarbonizing buildings

On Dec 15th, Toronto City Council approved the Pocket Plus Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan.
As they explain: "the "Pocket Change Project" is a long-term transformation initiative focused on reducing the environmental footprint of the community through a suite of environmental actions for both residential and institutional stakeholders living and operating in the Pocket Neighbourhood."
In other words, this means the city is officially backing our efforts to reduce residential carbon emissions and is adding its own push to green public buildings and infrastructure.
The Pocket Change Project has been offered a number of free trees for residents. Please email us at [email protected] before March 1st if you're interested in getting a tree for your front or back yard. There are a number of native species on offer and we can help with the planting and give you tips on maintenance in the first key years.
Opportunities to get involved
We need you to help us build the Pocket Change Project. Bring your enthusiasm, experience and expertise to help with:
Communications - Prepare materials to share with Pocket Homeowners.
Website maintenance - Keep the new Pocket Change website informative and appealing. Help with design, administration, and/or content update.
Survey of Pocket homeowners – Help design, execute and/or process an online survey.
Track our carbon emissions – Help build and/or maintain an Excel database.
Pocket Laneway Project– Help arrange Indigenous art along the laneway, and advise on other improvements.
Email us if you're interested in pitching in on any of the above.
Until next month,
Liisa and Marco
Pocket Change Project