Upcoming Pocket Parties

There are currently no events scheduled. Be sure to check back soon!

Past events

Pocket Change Party #3

Host: Paul Woodman

Just in time for renovation season!

This Sunday, the 23rd of June! Everything you wanted to know about rebates, financing and incentives for improving your home’s energy efficiency!
Sarah Rodriguez, senior environmental planner at the City of Toronto, will provide an overview and answer all your questions!

Pocket Change Party #2

Host: Paul Dowsett

One of the Pocket’s Green Gurus, Paul Dowsett, Principal Architect at Sustainable.TO Architecture for a Healthy Planet, is hosting a Pocket Change Party.
Paul will lead a tour of his NET ZERO home, and field questions about the latest innovations in sustainable home building practice and what he has learned over the years.

Pocket Change Party #1

Your lovely neighbours on Jones are hosting an information session on everything you wanted to know about home retrofits but were afraid to ask!
The presentation will be led by folks from the Environment and Energy division of the City of the Toronto.

Energy Retrofit 101

A detailed look at the types of retrofits available (from heating and cooling to renewables) for residential homes, general costs and their impact on your home and the environment. This will also include the importance of getting an EnerGuide energy assessment.
