35 RSVPs

WEBINAR - Improve your home's comfort and take your foot off the gas!

This event has already taken place.

Now's a good time to think about improving the insulation in your home!

Imagine if you could get off the gas and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

Find out how to become a Change-Maker -- Pocket people who are going green!

THURSDAY JAN 27, 7:30pm    


A short meeting followed by a Webinar
  - Invite your neighbour...    

7:30-7:35 - Welcome and update on the Pocket Change Project

7:35-7:50 - Committee reports / Call for help with our projects - Electric Vehicle Charging, Greening the Pocket, Pocket Laneway Project, Communications / Website, etc

7:50-8:00 - Plans for the election of the Pocket Change Executive

8:00-8:07 - Climate Change and the Need to Act - Emma Weyburn, Environmental Studies, York University

8:07-8:40 - Retrofitting Your Homes - How the City Can Help - Stewart Dutfield, Environment & Energy Division, City of Toronto 

8:40-8:50 - How You Can Get Started - Becoming a ChangeMaker - Sarah Grant, Goldfinch Energy & Retrofit Advisor to the Pocket

8:50-9:15 - Question + Answer Session / Discussion

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