Dear Neighbours,
The Pocket Change Project will be ramping up it's activities again soon!
For those of you who don't know, The Pocket Change Project is the Eco-Committee of the PCA. We came together 3 years ago to inform, inspire and activate our amazing neighbourhood around reducing our carbon footprint.
Some of you may have eaten bugs and tested a neighbours' Tesla at our Eco Fun Fairs or sipped wine at our green energy information sessions or “Pocket Parties” but we have also been chipping away behind the scenes at a more ambitious plan.
We have been hoping to pilot a community-based approach to home retrofits.
We want to make the process of retrofitting our homes cheaper, easier and more accessible for the entire neighbourhood.
We have been building partnerships with various levels of government to help us do this and are waiting to hear on some funding news very soon! Fingers crossed.
But even without funding, we are committed to ramping up our activities and outreach!
We miss you!
We are in midst overhauling our webpage and launching a bi-monthly blog about Pocket Change to keep you informed, educated and inspired on all things green energy-related and invite you to participate in whatever ways you wish! There's lots for you to do!
In many ways, grappling with this pandemic has been a dress rehearsal for the kind of collective action that will be required to tackle climate change. We’re flattening the Covid curve - we can flatten the CO2 curve, too!
We’re greener together!
As always, if you want to become more involved in Pocket Change, contact [email protected]