Harbord Village Residents' Association NetZero Heat Pump Webinar

The Net Zero Committee of the Harbord Village Residents Association held a webinar on how households can help fight climate change by using an air source heat pump.  The webinar was held on November 23rd.

ABCs of Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps (ASHP) can replace both your furnace and air conditioner while reducing carbon emissions by 60%.  As an added bonus , the federal government now provides a $5000 grant to make them competitive with high efficiency gas furnaces,  For those with newish gas furnaces, a small ASHP can be used to provide heat in all but the coldest weather, thus extending the life of your gas furnace.
Energy advisor Trish Long from Goldfinch Energy and Steve Cornelius from Mitsubishi Electric explained how this technology works and answered questions.
More information on the NetZero Project is found at: https://harbordvillage.com/projects/netzero-carbon-project/

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