"Get Off the Gas: A Bird's Eye View" webinar recording

Missed this great webinar giving the big-picture view about green home retrofits? You can watch the recording here.

Are you interested in greening your home a little – or a lot? Do you want to gain a really clear understanding of how all the steps, options, and processes fit together? Then this essential “big picture” webinar is for you! Pocket Change Retrofit Coach Paul Dowsett (founder of Sustainable: Architecture for a Healthy Planet), Registered Energy Advisor Sarah Grant (co-founder, Goldfinch Energy), and our homeowner special guests will take you through what you need to know when considering a deep home retrofit – or an upgrade to work you’ve already done to green your home. Most importantly this webinar will go over ways to “bring it all together” – through a step-wise process that makes sense for your home and makes it a lot easier on you! Brought to you by the Pocket Change Project.

Recording of November 30, 2022 webinar.

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