Community Engagement + Climate Awareness

From street parties to kitchen gatherings, we're helping our neighbours think about their carbon footprint and ways to make it smaller. We've had electric car test drives, shown people heat maps taken from space and brought together the different public institutions in our area to discuss how we can move forward together.

Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP)

The Pocket Community has been chosen by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to develop a SNAP (Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan). A SNAP is a community-led planning process that aims to serve as a launching pad for neighbourhood-based green dreams and sustainable schemes.

Pocket Change Parties

We host green energy “wine and cheese” parties, where folks can learn about any aspect of green energy they are interested in - understanding the rebate opportunities for home energy upgrades, solar energy and what net-zero actually looks like

Eco Fun Fairs

After a two year hiatus, the Pocket Change Eco Fun Fair is back! In June we will host a community party in Phin Park to bring together neighbours, connect and share ideas and enthusiasm. In previous editions, we held house tours to check out environmental retrofit and offered electric car test drives. Planning for the June 18, 2022 Eco Fun Fair is ongoing. Please email [email protected] to get involved. 
