
Pocket Change Webinar on Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs)

This event has already taken place.

Pocket Change Webinar on Air Source Heat Pumps - March 3 at 8 pm

Is your furnace/AC is aging? Are you planning a reno? Do you care about the climate and really want to reduce your carbon footprint?

Here is your chance to stop heating with gas!!

Your best alternative is likely an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP)

How does it work? Will it reduce our heating bills? How much will it reduce GHG emissions?

Hear answers to these questions and more at our next POCKET CHANGE WEBINAR on Thursday, March 3 at 8:00pm.

Speaker: Erik Janssen, Analyst, TRCA Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program

See how ASHPs work, and 2 studies of ASHP installations that show how they performed and the homeowner's experience.

Join us on Thursday March 3 at 8:00pm!


Pocket Change Webinar on Air Source Heat Pumps - March 3 at 8 pm
Mar 3, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 1215 4189
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Meeting ID: 945 1215 4189
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