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Webinar: 730 days to a Toronto Passive House

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EVENT Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81630152664?pwd=cFA5cVIyMU5yaHdNV1E3UmtwUGIvZz09

In 2020, Tracy Johnson and her family moved into an 80-year old home with a new extension on Sammon Avenue. It was not just any home reno they had just finished, however, but one of Canada’s first EnerPHit homes. EnerPHit is a certification program for existing homes that incorporate Passive House design principles and components into retrofits. Passive House in turn is an international standard recognized by the United Nations for creating optimally healthy, climate-resilient, affordable, and energy-efficient buildings.

Today Tracy is enjoying the benefits of their EnerPHit passive home retrofit, and sharing her family's experience with others who might be interested in doing something similar. Don’t miss this fascinating and informative webinar, where you'll learn...

  • how Tracy and her family arrived at the decision to build a passive house
  • lessons they learned that could be applied to similar houses in The Pocket and across Toronto
  • information on EnerPhit – what it is and how it works
  • her home’s post-retrofit results and benefits

Date:  Tuesday, April 25

Time:  8 – 9 pm

Where:  On Zoom, RSVP required - see above for zoom link.

Featured Presenter:

Tracy Johnson is the director of Health System Analytics at the Canadian Institute of Health Information. She has an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University. She is also a physiotherapist with a deep interest in health and fitness. “Most importantly,” she says, she is the mother of two young adults.

Hosted by: Paul Dowsett, Principal, Sustainable: Architecture for a Healthy Planet, and Retrofit Coach, Pocket Change Project.

Bring your questions! A Q&A will follow the main presentation.


Photo credits, top of page: Teagan McCanny
